3/1: Rockwall ISD Job Fair at Heath 9 - 9:00-12:00
3/6: 5th Grade Music Concert at 6:00; Chimes, Guitar and Cubs Choir at 6:30
3/14: End of Term 3; FAN JAM at 8:15; Early Release at 11:45
3/17-3/21: Spring Break
3/28: #BT Day COURAGE - Wear Tie-dye
3/31-4/4: Spring Book Fair
4/3: Multicultural Night and Art Gallery (plus 3rd grade music performance) 5:30-7:00
4/15-4/17: Reading STAAR 3rd-6th Grades - Closed Campus
4/18: Good Friday... School Holiday
4/21: Bad Weather Day... No School
4/23-4/24: Science STAAR 5th Grade - Closed Campus
4/29-4/30: Math STAAR 3rd-6th Grades - Closed Campus
5/2: CUBStacle (School Community Event... more details to come from PTO!)
Order your 2024-25 LLES Yearbook
Yearbook sales are up and running! You can order using the TreeRing link below and enter our school code 1015542379563074.
Every yearbook comes with 2 FREE custom pages!
Thankful for our Teachers
We LOVE our LLES teachers and staff! As we move into the Thanksgiving and holiday season, we want to show our appreciation for them and all they do for our Cubs! Send a positive message or note of encouragement to the teachers and staff here: Lyon Teacher and Staff Shout Out
Don’t forget as a PTO member you have access to the Teacher’s Favorites through our website!

Join the PTO to stay connected!
Access to the directory and the 'Teachers Favorite Things' tab is more important than ever to stay connected during 2024-2025 school year.
Already a member? Gift a membership to a specific parent or class here.
Thank you for being a PTO member! If you are logged in and not able to access the Directory under "Our PTO" or Teacher's Favorite Things under "Important Links", please email lindalyonpto@gmail.com. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Parents love the added convenience of accessing the directory from the Membership Toolkit App. The app includes your directory and calendar —and links to your site through their internet browser.
The app is available free in the Apple Store and in Google Play. Download it one time for all of the organizations that you are affiliated with that are using Membership Toolkit. If you belong to 4 organizations that are using Membership Toolkit, when you log in to the app you will see all four organizations presented and you can toggle between organizations.